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Dicle University - Wikipedia, the free.
Argus Translation Agency, since 1928, the main field of activity concentrated on translation of the Laws passed by Turkish Republic.
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Free Online Medical Publisher. The Internet Journal of Epidemiology ISSN: 1540-2614 Prevalence of eating disorders and risk profile in a group female college students
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1 Medico Social Center, Osmangazi University 26480 Meselik Eskisehir Turkey 2 Medical Faculty, Dietitian Division, Osmangazi University 26480 Meselik Eskisehir Turkey 3 Medical.
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Assoc. Professor, Mehmet Engin,Ph.D. Biography: Education: 1973-1976 İzmir Çınarlı Technical High School. 1976-1980 Gazi University; (BSc) 1985-1987 Marmara University; (MSc)
POSTER SESSION I Sunday, October 25, 2009
Dicle University (Turkish: Dicle Üniversitesi) is a public university located on eastern side of the Tigris river. The university is one of the oldest and largest higher.
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